
Hit the Bricks

There's not really too much to say about this, other than it'll most likely be the coolest thing I view all day. Although a couple of years old, here's FF7 in Lego, by way of Destructoid:

Best use of bananas ever. It's the identity-crisis ridden supersoldier clone with the biggest pair since Van Damme in that one movie, Universal Something. His hair's always looked like how I imagine a corrupted-yet-still-readable 3d Studio Max file would. But infused with the essence of Jenova or no, he's useless without his perpetually pissed-off protege, That Black Dude.

This model is probably the least accurate, as Barret is pictured smiling. Together with the help of Cloud's nondescript, utterly forgettable childhood sweetheart, some bead-bedecked flower-growing hippie slut (thanks to womengamers.com for the link), a foul-mouthed, cigar-chomping airplane mechanic and a shapeshifting goth amputee, they'll try super hard to save the bilinearally-filtered 3d overworld map from David Carradine.

Rad. Speaking of, that same page features the Blue Dragon from Strider (the good version). A Lego Hiryu is sorely needed.

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