
Steal This Link

Okay, before I do this, let me say that I promise to set up a zShare account of my own and to keep my hotlinked to the accounts of others to a minimum. I'm fucking serious. This is bad form. I'm ashamed.

Alright! Now that that's out of the way, here's a little tidbit I pulled off of Discobelle earlier in the week. I'm still debating with myself whether it makes for a better opener than closer, but whatever the case, this is a track that delivers a super-smooth lounge vibe underneath rollicking, discopunky, cowbell-laden drums, straight from the suburbs of Melbourne, Austrailia.

Architecture in Helsinki - Debbie (U Turn remix)

AiH's MySpace.

Rearranging the Furniture

You may or may not notice that a couple things have changed here at KBN, depending on whether or not your name is Larry. Regardless, here's a primer on what's new.

Link lists!

There's more of them and more to them. 'Read This Instead of Working' is basically a list of sites that I review, daily, for at least one hour immediately after arriving at work. All of them are highly reccommended, and as I'm sure many are aware, superb timesinks. Digg and Stumbleupon are for developing a sweet meme addiction, while the others are just gut-bustingly funny.

All the gaming sites have been heaped into one list. That includes blogs, review megasites, and links to the pages of games that I'm 'into'. Whatever.

Local Flavor is where I support the good men and women of the Houston electronic music (Dubstep?) scene. All the people involved in what's on the other sides of those jumps contribute way, way more than I do. Support.

The present form of Music That I Steal is, for the moment, a meager assortment of blogs from which I pull a chunk of my mp3s. You'll find that they're mostly centered around that crazy electro-disco-rock music that the kids enjoy. Read them. Download the music for yourself so that, by virtue of your knowing exactly where I find my material, I'll be shamed into scouring the net deeper and wider for tunes ever more interesting and obscure. While at work.

If you don't visit, that's okay too, as I'll occasionally be shamelessly aping their links from time to time (see above).

Too Much Free Time Files: Nerf GoW Lancer

I originally came upon the following via this fine service and posted it to Houstonbeats -- just about the only place that this blog gets advertised. Upon being asked why it hadn't yet been posted here, I check my comments and was pleasantly surprised to find that readership had virtually exploded since I last wrote anything. Thanks, guys (Larry). Now, onto the meat:

You like Gears? Maybe you like chainsawing the shit out of aliens in Gears. What about Nerf guns? Did you ever shoot Nerf guns at your friends as a kid? Maybe you put out someone's eye. Did you chainsaw the shit out of them? What? No? Well shit, this next post's for you.


One day while I was playing Co-op with my little buddy Gabriel I put the game on pause and told him I was going to make a Lancer. He asked how and I didn't exactly know. All I knew was the seed was placed deep within my brain that I needed to make one.

That seed grew into an idea. I then found that same make of toy chainsaw over at ToysRus.
I was eyeballing it and realized it could be done.
I then brought it home. After taking it out of its package I realized this was going to be harder than I thought.

If your face feels freshly rocked, that's because this is exactly what it looks like. More after the jump.