
Oh My Goodness

Seems I've come to a profound realization.

After almost a year's hiatus, during which I've, among other things, gotten dumped / stepped on, damaged my karma in the midst of taking flight from the projected path of a hurricane, made around seventy or eighty new friends / acquaintances via the magic of dubstep and roller derby, started out on an arduous path toward refereeing the latter, sworn off of most, if not all, smokables, gotten in shape, and eliminated caffiene from my diet (though, not, I suspect, with any real conviction), I remember that I like video games. And writing.

The time for soul-searching is coming to a close. There've been plenty of changes, yes, but now is when the new gets reintegrated with the old.

I'm thereby going to be playing them, and writing about it. Hell, I might engage in plenty of other dissociative, generally nerdly activities besides.

And you can't stop me.

More to come.

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